I recommend booking in advance as session availability is limited and my calendar fills up quickly. The sooner the better! It is best to inquire about scheduling a newborn or maternity session at the beginning of your second trimester. Child or family portraits should be scheduled 6 to 8 weeks prior to your desired session date. I do offer last minute if available, so please do not hesitate to contact me with the date inquiries!
Please refer to the investment page for information on session pricing. A non-refundable retainer is required to reserve a date on my calendar. I currently accept cash, check, and Credit Cards.
Business Hours are Monday thru Friday. Most sessions take place in the morning, including all newborn sessions. Please keep this in mind when booking your newborn session that school will be missed for school aged children and if Dad has gone back to work, he will need to take off for a portion of the morning. The family portion only takes about 30 minutes so once their photos are complete, they are free to return to school/work while I continue the remainder of the session with your newborn. I do allow one Saturday a month for sessions and there is a $50 fee.
Sick babies and parents are not allowed in the studio. This is extremely important due to babies who are just days old who come into my studio frequently. If you must cancel an appointment, please call at least 24 hours in advance to reschedule.
With my digital collections, yes! These sessions include a print release for the high-resolution digital images. Clients are able to print as many copies as they want, wherever they want!
Whitney D Photography offers both tabletop and wall prints, canvases, albums, and custom birth announcements.
Typically I have images ready for your viewing and ordering session within 5 days, sometimes sooner! Once you place your order, your images and products will be ready within a week. So that’s less than two weeks from the time of your session to when you have your finished images and prints.
Please back up your images as soon as you receive them. You can never have too many copies of your digital files for safekeeping. Things can happen to your computer, so I recommend saving them on both a hard drive and a cloud service. All images are archived for 12 months. While it's not guaranteed that they are still available, recovery of images past 12 months will be subject to an additional fee.
Sales tax in the amount of 9.125% is applicable for all sessions and orders.
All images are the property Whitney D. Photography and are copyright protected. Please note that it is illegal to scan prints, right-click or screenshot images featured on the website or the blog, sell or alter images received in digital or print format.